
Hello and Welcome!

This is Chop Life and Travel, your one stop resource for travel in the beautiful and culturally rich continent of Africa! You can call me Tiffany, a young vibrant Nigerian-American taking the world by storm.

You’re probably wondering what is “Chop Life” and why travel? As a common Nigerian saying, “Chop Life” means to enjoy and embrace life. My friends call me the Chop Life Ambassador and a Global Citizen, because of my enthusiasm for life and my unique multicultural upbringing, having grown up in SIX countries across 3 continents! I haven't even turned 30 yet.

My childhood was spent in Nigeria and Austria, with my adult years in the US, Germany, Malaysia, and Zimbabwe.

If you can't tell already, I'll say it: I LOVE Traveling. Traveling has enabled me to see the world. I wasn't joking when I mentioned taking the world by storm…hence the birth of Chop Life and Travel.

This blog was created with women, solo travelers, and african enthusiasts in mind. To provide resources, document my travels, and show that travel, particularly in Africa is possible! It is time for YOU to take the World by Storm!