How to Plan your first Solo Trip

Havana, Cuba

Havana, Cuba

I’ve been there. I’m sure you’ve been there too? You’re planning your first solo trip and you experience a R-A-N-G-E of emotions. From excitement to being terrified, nervous, overwhelmed, confused but also joyous, and eagerness all at the same time. These range of emotions are understandable. As a female traveler, planning for solo travel brings on that extra layer of caution because of the possible safety risks we have to be aware of.

Despite those fears solo travel can be one of the most liberating, exciting, thought provoking, and invigorating experiences. So how can you tackle those fears in order to embark on your first solo trip? You have to do what works best for YOU. For example, I focus extensively on pre-trip planning, paying attention to what’s within my control, and channeling inspiration from those who’ve gone before me.

Why not give it a try? Read below for tips and recommendations on how to prepare for a solo trip. Hope it’s helpful as you take the leap of faith and plan yours :)

Interested in specific resources for black solo female travelers? Check out Black Solo Female Traveler and Black Solo Female Traveler in Asia to learn more.

Havana, Cuba

Step #1 - Research

Research EVERYTHING! This is because it’s vital to understand the situation in the area you’re visiting, so you have an idea of what to expect and do not show up unprepared. Read about safety (particularly for women), the economic and political situation, language, culture, food, transportation, weather, and much more. Read accounts and recommendations from travelers that have visited, especially articles, videos, and other reviews by female travelers, so you get that unique insight. As you review articles by previous travelers, leverage diverse voices, read a wide range of experiences, and pay attention to re-occurring trends.

Depending on where you’re traveling to will determine the resources available to you for research. For example there can be a lot more easily accessible resources on travel to Europe vs Africa, or within Africa, resources on traveling to South Africa vs Cape Verde. Finding resources for destinations that aren’t commonly visited can be tough, but don’t let that stop you (we will prevail).

As you plan your trip, leverage the following resources for research:

  • Look into any travel resources provided by your Government. If your government provides a country profile on the country you’re visiting, use that to get relevant information (for example the US has Travel.State.Gov). Furthermore, Do not forget to enroll to receive Smart Traveler notifications.

  • Look into the Government website of the country you plan to visit and/or the official/government sponsored tourism website.

  • Read local and international news sources and credible historical websites to gain an understanding of the country’s history, political and economic situation, laws, rules, and regulations (especially any that impact women) and culture (particularly towards the treatment of women and minority or women of color).

  • Review relevant websites, articles, videos, social media, etc by individual travelers, travel agents/groups, and local businesses to gain more insight. Leverage review platforms that are relevant to that destination, to get traveler experiences with regards to accommodation, transportation, eateries, etc. For example, I’ve used TripAdvisor,, Yelp,, etc.

Take Note of the following:

  • Travel Advisory and safety precautions (especially those that highlight heightened risks for women)

  • Visa and Passport Requirements

  • Health or Vaccine Requirements or Recommendations

  • Financial Structure and Restrictions

  • Languages spoken and Clothing advisory

Once you’ve done your research, examine if you’re comfortable visiting this destination and if so, move on to step two!

Havana, Cuba

Step #2 - Project plan

This document (I usually use google sheets) should contain all your necessary travel information. Break it down into the following:

  • Logistics: Flights, Transportation, and Accommodation

  • Itinerary: Sightseeing, Activities, and Food

  • Budget: Based on the estimated costs (flights, transport, accommodation, etc) of the trip

Havana, Cuba


Now…this is where the fun begins! You can begin to imagine and plan all that you want to do. From sights you want to visit, foods to try, activities to do, and/or unique accommodations you want to stay in.

To stay organized and guided through the process leverage your project plan, by filling out information and accomplishing tasks for the sections you identified. Book your ticket, find your accommodation, and go experience all your destination (or destinations?) has to offer. Wishing you happy travels :)


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