How To Choose an Airnbnb: 4 Criteria's to Keep in Mind


Airbnb has become a major accommodation booking platform for travelers. Especially for individuals looking for affordable housing options or to learn about local life and culture from a native. As a solo female traveler, finding accommodation options that are both affordable and safe is always top of mind. Embarking on a solo journey is terrifying enough, the last thing you need is a horrible host experience. 

I have used Airbnb and stayed with hosts while traveling in North America, Europe, and East Asia. Every time I book, I encounter the concern we face as solo female travelers, “how do I ensure my safety?” In prioritizing safety and other factors important to me, below are some tips on how I strategically choose Airbnbs while traveling.

IMPORTANT Factors to keep in mind when choosing an Airbnb:

  • Host: I recommend studying the host profile to ensure the page and booking is reliable and real. Look into reviews, other host listings, government ID, email address, and phone numbers. If you’re traveling solo and booking a shared Airbnb accommodation vs the whole space, you might want to consider booking with a female host.

  • Location: Location is …CRUCIAL. Do your research online to learn about the layout of the city. Gather recommendations from friends and family on safe and central neighborhoods to stay in. Once you have a better geographical understanding of the city you are visiting, compare the distance of affordable Airbnbs to areas of interest or points of activities. Personally, I like to stay in a central location where I can easily access areas of interest by foot or through public transportation. Due to costs or availability this is not always feasible. If you do stay in an accommodation further away, do research into transportation options and costs. Most importantly, compare the cost of commuting vs the amount you envision saving by staying further away. 

  • Cleanliness: If you’re like me and very particular about cleanliness, be very attentive to the comments and ratings about how clean the space is. To understand general and specific pain points about the cleanliness of the location, begin with reading the most negative reviews. As you’re reading these reviews, be aware of any that are intentionally spiteful, false, or intended to be misleading. Rather focus on reviews that document critical and applicable issues. For example, describing the Airbnb space as dirty, unkept, unclean, or infested with bugs, roaches, rats, etc. 

  • Reviews: ….REVIEWS ARE IMPORTANT. Before booking an Airbnb look over the number and content of the reviews to understand what exactly you are getting yourself into. Could the booking be a scam? ….Could the property be dirty? ..Is it not centrally located?  …Did a solo female traveler have a bad experience? Did a traveler feel uncomfortable or discriminated against because of their race? These are always questions to ask and thoughts to keep in mind as you make a booking. 

In sharing the criteria I use to choose Airbnbs, I hope you feel empowered and find the tips helpful as you make your next booking. Read reviews, ensure the booking is legitimate, and share your accommodation information with friends or family. Otherwise, safe travels and use this as an opportunity to get insider tips from your host about your destination!

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tiffany odeka