How to Prepare for Long Haul Flights

Although long haul flights can seem unbearable, preparing and planning ahead can help make the travel experience more manageable and seamless. Below are some tips to help you prepare for your upcoming long haul flight.

How to Start.

1.) Start with Studying yout flight itinerary: It’s CRUCIAL to be aware of your flight itinerary because this allows you to plan ahead and prevent being caught off guard by issues that may arise. When studying your itinerary, check for the following: How long is each individual flight? What airports do you have layovers in? How long are the layovers? Will you have access to an internet connection? Will you be able to buy food and if so, is credit card accepted or is foreign currency required? Will you need a transit Visa?  Once you've studied your itinerary, now you can plan!


How to Plan Ahead.

2.) Travel Documents: You may have multiple stopovers and extended layovers in different countries, which may or may not require specific travel documents. Ensure you research these requirements ahead of time and travel with the appropriate passports, visa's, and other required documents.

3.) Carry on: Packing your carry on strategically is a GAME CHANGER. Prioritize packing essentials only, such as a hygiene and sanitary kit, change of clothes (accidents happen), snacks, and electronics. It’s especially helpful to have a light carry on when you have multiple stops or an extended layover and plan to explore the area. Shoutout to my fellow Africans who have mastered the Art of packing lightly haha It’s still tough for the rest of us, but we’re trying eh.


4.) Entertainment: Finding ways to stay entertained can be helpful in preventing the feeling of being on an "endless" flight or journey. Taking advantage of inflight entertainment is one way to go, while another is having your favorite TV Shows, movies, books (physical copies are great too but heavy), and music loaded on your electronics. The latter is helpful because depending on the airline and airport you have a layover in, you might not have access to Wifi. I always have my kindle loaded with 2-3 books I am eager to read :)

5.) Safety: Although it's easy to get tired on long haul flights be aware of your surroundings and keep your belongings close. If you're stopping in different cities or countries, be aware of the cultural and language differences. Particularly for women, please inform an attendant or the authorities if you're being harassed on a flight or in the airport. For witnesses speak up or intervene if it’s safe to and alert the flight attendant and authorities. I’ve unfortunately been harassed by the individual sitting next to me on a plane and it’s horrific, especially when you’re in close quarters and feel like there’s no escape. By tackling harassment we can make travel for women and vulnerable populations more comfortable and accessible.

What’s Next?…Take Off!


The thought of a 20+ hour flight can be daunting, but mentally preparing and packing the right essentials can make the journey enjoyable. If that's not enough, envision all the glory that awaits you at your end destination!

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